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"Covenant University's Track Record Of Abuse And The Irresponsibility Of NUC"

Covenant University's Track Record Of Abuse And The Irresponsibility Of National Universities Commission

Covenant University today has become the epitome of religious oppression, mockery and is proof of how terrible the Nigerian educational space can get if not well regulated.

Today we witnessed possibly hundreds of the so called "Kings and Queens of Hebron" having their hair scrapped to humiliate and shame them for not bringing bibles to Church. Worse still, is that the instrument used in scrapping the hair of possibly hundreds of students was not safe as they use it on students after students without visibly sterilizing it.

It saddens me that an institution with so much potential to become one of Africa's best universities has decided to go this path of oppression and senselessness and the National Universities Commission is complicit in allowing this evil happen unchecked, by failing to protect the rights of Nigerian students or creating regulations preventing them from oppressing students.

The irresponsibility of NUC not only shows in their lack of desire to protect students of private universities but even students of public universities who have also been subjected to ridiculous treatments in their universities

As a nation we've failed our people in the public education system and we are equally failing our people in the private educational system. We've failed to check the educational activities of our religious organizations not minding the oppression and sometimes, indoctrination that happens silently in those organizations. We've made higher education an all comers affair without putting in regulations binding church or islamic universities from doing just as they like. I hope we would not wake up someday to realise an entire segment of the population of the country indoctrinated thanks to our nonchalance.

It is time for NUC to do better by creating a comprehensive guideline for Private universities which would prevent students from being forced to go to chapel or mosques, attend prayers or unofficial meetings and equally scrutinize the handbooks of all universities making sure it doesn't violate the constitutional rights of students.

For purpose of emphasis and clarity there is no section of Covenant University's handbook of 2013-2017 where it is written that students hair can be scrapped with an unsterilized equipment because students refused to bring bibles to church.

This is also a wakeup call to students of Covenant university to challenge Covenant over their non constitutional behavior in a federal high court over the public health risks they were subjected to by Covenant University. By HigherEd

Lalasticlala pls help move to fp

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